Today was cool because we actually got the ideas for our game going. I'm not too happy about it having to be a social issue game but I guess it's not my choice. I learned that I already know how to make a one frame movie clip. All of the tutorials were useless to me. This made me happy and confident. Our game is going to be about social issues in West Virginia, mainly focusing on money and lettering. I kind of think that our game will be hard to make but hopefully once we get going it will be OK. It is a relief to know what our game is going to be about. I've kind of been stressing about it this whole time.
I'm excited because from now on I think that we will be using flash and learning more. I like challenging things and I think this will definitely be a challenge. I'm not particularly excited about my game because I don't get to make it on just whatever I want. If it were up to me I would make some kind of sports game or something like that. The games we played by other students weren't all social issue games. But whatever. Overall this is still better than any other English class.
The Value of a Penny
11 years ago